Best Lucky Plants For A Home To Invite Wealth And Positivity

Nov 28, 2023 - by Flat In Kalyan


Best Lucky Plants For A Home To Invite Wealth And Positivity
Good luck plants for home are vital in channelling the natural flow of positive energy. Auspicious plants for home sanitize the environment by absorbing carbon dioxide and providing relief from stress. Corn plants or Fortune plants (dracaena fragrans) as it is commonly known are well-known indoor plants for good luck.

List Of Lucky Plants For Home
These are a few of the best plants for a home to get good luck and prosperity. 
Lucky plant #1: Tulsi
Rendering to Vastu Shastra, one of the most powerful, sacred and auspicious good luck plants that enhances positivity at home, is the Tulsi or holy basil.
“This shrub, which has great medicinal value, can cleanse the atmosphere and keep mosquitoes away. Tulsi can be full-fledged at the front or the back of the house, in the balcony or windows, wherever it can be exposed frequently to sunlight,” says Parmar.

Lucky plant #2: Jade plant
The Jade plant, with its small curved leaf, is known to be a lucky plant. Rendering to Feng Shui, the Jade plant is the essence of good luck and favourable positive energy and hence, these good luck plants for home can be located in the house or office. Jade symbolises development and renewal and the shape of the leaves of the lucky plant for home bears a similarity to jade stones. However, avoid possession the jade plant in the bathroom, experts suggest. Crassula ovata is the scientific name of the Jade plant.

Lucky plant #3: Lucky bamboo 
The good luck plant- bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) from south-east Asia and both, Vastu and Feng Shui, subordinate it with good fortune and health. The number of stalks in the good luck plant has a big influence on the meaning of a particular lucky bamboo plant. For prosperity, for instance, it should have five stalks; for good luck six; seven stalks for health and 21 stalks for health and great wealth. Bamboo good luck plants for home also act as air purifiers and remove pollutants from the environs. Rather, keep the bamboo plant in the east corner.

Lucky plant #4: Money plant
Money plant (pothos) is known to bring wealth and good luck to the house and helps in incapacitating financial obstacles. Money plants act as natural air sterilizers, as they filter the toxins out of the air. These good luck plants needs very little maintenance. It is said that possession a money plant at home can help to attain success in both, personal and professional fields.

Lucky plant #5: Areca palm
Areca palm plants, rendering to Feng Shui, lead to health, peace and opulence. These lucky plants for a home remove negative energy and attract positivity. This leafy plant can be fully-fledged anywhere in the house, in secondary sunlight. These good luck plants for home has an ability to remove common pollutants from the air and also advances humidity.

Lucky plant #6: Rubber plant
The rubber plants are lucky plants for home and signify wealth and fortune in Feng Shui, as its rounded leaves look like coins. When placed in the home, these good luck plants are supposed to provide profusion. Also, the rubber plant improves indoor air, as it is a natural air cleanser.

Lucky plant #7: Fortune plant- corn plant
Corn plants or Fortune plants (dracaena fragrans)  as it is usually known are well-known indoor plants for good luck. In some Asian countries, the corn plant is said to be a sign of luck. If the plant blooms at home, it means one will obtain wealth and fortune. Corn plants disinfect the air as they remove toxins from the air. Corn plants flourish in bright yet indirect light.

Lucky plant #8: Lavender
Lavender, known by its technical name, Lavandula, is an aromatic plant with many therapeutic benefits. Since it has calming properties, it is used in aromatherapy. Lavender flower and Lavender oil are used in making traces and medicines. It is among the lucky plants ideal to be kept in front of the house or any outside space.

Lucky plant #9: Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus, the scientific name of which is Eucalyptus globulus, is one of the plants that transport good luck. The leaves and oil of eucalyptus has medicinal possessions. Keeping this plant at home will raise the positive energies in the house.

Lucky Plant #10: Snake Plant
Between other lucky plants that are good for home is the Snake plant. This favourable plant is known to cleanse the environment by absorbing toxins and reducing the allergens present in the air. This plant grows well in dissimilar conditions.
Sansevieria trifasciata is the technical name of the Snake plant.

Lucky plant #11: Golden Pothos
Golden Pothos is a diversity of money plant and it is measured to be a good luck plant. As per Feng Shui, it is among the favourable plants for home that bring wealth. Furthermore, it is also beneficial in minimising the undesirable energy and anxiety levels. You can grow these plants outdoors or in indoor areas, including the bathroom.
The scientific of Golden Pothos is Epipremnum aureum.

Lucky Plant #12: Peepal Bonsai
The Peepal bonsai plant, also mentioned to by its scientific name Ficus religiosa, is a sacred houseplant as per the Hindu tradition. In Buddhism too, the plant has a great implication as Gautama Buddha reached illumination when meditating below a Peepal tree.
The Peepal bonsai is measured a lucky plant and represents good fortune, happiness, and longevity. The fig tree can produce tall and has aerial roots. They can also be grown in pots for bonsai.

Lucky plant #13: Ginseng Ficus
The scientific name of Ginseng Ficus is Ficus retusa, a general excellent for bonsai. It is a diversity of fig tree found in Southeast Asia. The good luck plant has dark green, oval-formed leaves and thick roots that produce above the soil. These geographies give a distinct entrance to the plant. The tree assistances as an air purifier and helps decrease indoor pollutants. As per Feng Shui, Ginseng Ficus brings good luck and accord to the house.

Lucky plant #14: Citrus Trees
Rising citrus plants and trees at home are measured lucky. The more fruits the tree comprises, the luckier it is fictional to be. Most citrus tree fruits are round-shaped and golden-coloured, symbolising coins for wealth. Citrus trees full-grown in pots, which look attractive with a pleasant fragrance, are popular gift items for rejoicing during the Chinese Spring Festival.

Lucky plant #15: Adenium
Adenium, with the technical name Adenium obesum, is one of the good luck plants for home. In Chinese culture, Adenium is also named as the wealth plant and used extensively for the Chinese Spring Festival revels. It is among the lucky plants for indoors, mainly because of their swollen roots that denote abundance and fertility. Adenium plants are known for their attractive pink or red flowers, recognized as desert roses, which are observed to bring good luck.

Lucky plant #16: Pitcher Plant
The pitcher plant is one of the favourable plants for home and represents long-term wealth. In Chinese, the pitcher plant is mentioned by a name that is understood to be bags of safety or peace. The systematic name of the pitcher plant is Nepenthes. It has large, pitcher-like leaves and looks like bags. The plant is also used for home décor to entice positive energies and prosperity in the house.

Lucky plant #17: Peace lily
Peace lilies are a great totaling to any room, to help clean the air and propose a sense of harmony. Feng Shui says that the development of peace lilies, assistances to bring about good luck and affluence and it wards off negative vitalities. Since the plant appeals good vibes, this lucky plant is also good for expressive well-being. This good luck plant recovers the flow of energy in the home by cleansing the air.

Lucky plant #18: Jasmine
Jasmine signifies indebtedness, love and good luck and creates positivity in relationships. Jasmine (mogra) has a subtle sweet fragrance and this good luck plant for home is known to decrease anxiety and bring tranquillity. “In today’s jumbled world, one needs a calm and peaceful home to recharge and floras help us to relax. 

Lucky plant #19: Orchid
Orchids, documented by their scientific name Orchidaceae, are good luck flowers for home and are connected to good luck and wealth. In Feng Shui, orchids symbolise good relationships, happiness and fertility. Rather, these good luck flowers for home should be situated in the north direction.

Lucky plant #20: Lotus
Lotus is a sign of wealth, peace, cleanliness, harmony and spirituality. These good luck flowers for home also have medicinal value and are careful auspicious flower as it is linked with Goddess Lakshmi, as well as Lord Buddha. Introduction it in front of the house is most helpful but these good luck flowers for the home can be kept inside the house too. A water pond with lotus in it is ideal in the northeast or north or east course of one’s garden.

Lucky plant #21: Marigold
Rendering to Vastu, yellow marigold flowers symbolise good fortune and self-assurance. These good luck flowers for home entice positivity and energy into one’s home. Marigold flowers are considered favourable and are located on the main door, as torans. A north or east direction is the best to retain marigold plants in your home.

Lucky Plant #22: Peonies
Peonies mean good luck, fertility, prosperity and blessings. To boost luck and improve the relationship measure in your lives, place this good luck plant in the southwest direction of the garden. The systematic name of the peony is Paeonia.

Lucky plant #23: Chrysanthemum
The yellow Chrysanthemum flower, Rendering to Vastu Shastra, signifies cheerfulness and optimism. These good luck flowers for home fascinate positivity. It also sanitizes the air and removes toxins from the home. In Buddhist culture, the altar is often decorated with chrysanthemum. One can keep these good luck flowers for a home in the living room but avoid insertion them in the bedroom.

Lucky plant #24: Hibiscus
The red hibiscus is related to divinity, as it is offered to the goddess Kali and lord Ganesha. You can harvest these Vastu plants for home on a sunny window or garden, for positive energy, constancy and joy in life. The yellow hibiscus is perfect for lifting one’s spirits, and bringing good fortune into your home and thus measured as lucky plants for a home in India. The hibiscus plant vastu direction is also the north or east.

Lucky Plant #25: Rose
Roses indicate love and passion and attract good luck and healing energy. It is measured as a Feng Shui lucky plant for home. Red roses signify love, yellow brings happiness, and white roses symbolise peace. The fragrance of rose decreases anxiety and brings in a feeling of peace. Rose is the only thorny plant that Vastu Shasta states is appropriate to grow within a home. Rendering to Vastu Shastra, rose flower plants located in the south-west are auspicious, as they remove negative energy and enhance the social distinction of the house owner.

Lucky plant #26: Magnolia (champak flower)
Planting a magnolia tree in the garden at home can help people get serenity. These are said to be lucky plants for a home in India with a scent (cream, light pink, light orange-yellow colour) that entices affluence. The tree has the ability to bloom even after being evacuated. In many cultures, the magnolia flower symbolises economic constancy, joy, good luck and perseverance

Lucky plant #27: Mint
This herb keeps bad atmospheres away and is ideal for attracting wealth and wealth. The aroma of mint leaves assistances calm one’s nerves and is supposed to revive one’s hopes. It also helps in dismissing stress-stressed muscles and has medicinal value.

Lucky plant #28: Sage
Sage is known to ward off evil and has purgative qualities. Rendering to Feng Shui, the sage plant helps in eliminating negative energies at home. It also has medicinal possessions and a strong aroma.

Lucky plant #29: Ajwain (carom)
This herbal plant is measured as promising for wealth. It does not require too much sunlight or water. The beautiful ridged leaves of the plant are edible and an easy home remedy for an upset stomach.

Lucky Plant #30: Ginger
Recently, many people have chosen to consume ginger tea, as it is known to release cold. Ginger has been used for cooking and medicinal drives since ancient times. Growing ginger, the curative herb, at home, helps to improve love and attract wealth and fortune.

Lucky plant #31: Thyme
Thyme plants can assistance in luck related to career. This aromatic herb brings good luck to those wish for a new job, promotion, or commencing a business. Thyme improves the monetary luck. So, grow it in your kitchen garden.

Lucky plant #32: Bay laurel
An evergreen aromatic plant, Bay laurel symbolizes wisdom, (acquired and intuitive) and also a victory. The leaves are usually placed at the entrance of houses to avoid curses and attract happiness and prosperity in the home. Laurel plant strengthens the good energy at home and balances emotions. It has curative properties and is also widely used in cooking. Bay Laurel can be grown indoors in pots, and outdoors as shrubs and also as trees.

Lucky plant #33: Lemon balm
Lemon balm is said to decrease stress, assistances you to relax, and boost your mood. The zesty lemon balm is used in traditional medicine as a sleep aid and digestive tonic. Rendering to Feng Shui, lemon balm entices peace and wealth.

Lucky plant #34: Neem tree
The neem tree makes positivity, and a healthy environment and Rendering to Vastu, is favorable. As it has great medicinal value, the Vedas called the Neem sarva roga nivarini (the curer of all ailments). Neem trees act as an efficient natural air filter, absorbing contaminants.

Lucky plant #35: Banana
The banana plant is a blessed plant worshiped in India. It is considered a harbinger of good luck and means prosperity, good health and mental peace. This plant should be located in the north-east.
Lucky plant #36: Coconut tree
The coconut tree, which is called the ‘kalpavriksh’ or the consecrated tree, is said to fulfil all desires and transport good fortune and positive energy. The ideal course to plant it is in the south or south-west.

Lucky plant #37: Ashoka tree 
Ashoka, the evergreen tree with fragrant flowers, is whispered to remove suffering and bring joy. This ‘tree of happiness’ transports positive energy and prosperity.

Lucky plant #38: Jack fruit tree
Do not grow this tree in the north way of the house. In its place, plant it in the south, south-west, or north-west direction, for good health and positivity.

Lucky plant #39: Amla tree
Indian gooseberry or amla, Rendering to Vastu is a lucky tree. The tree is measured sacred and is said to be the favourite of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and Lord Vishnu. This can be established in the North East or East, but at a little reserve from the house. Amla which is rich in Vitamin C is known for its various health assistances.

Lucky plant #40: Tangerine tree
Opting for a tangerine tree is a splendid choice for those with ample space in their homes, as it is believed to usher in prosperity and tranquillity. The fruit of this auspicious plant bears a striking resemblance to golden coins adorning a tree. It is considered inauspicious to decline a gifted tangerine tree, as it implies rejecting the incoming fortune and abundance. These indoor fruit trees should be housed in moderate environmental conditions, avoiding excessive heat or cold, and should receive a minimum of four hours of sunlight. Additionally, they should be watered once a week to thrive.

Lucky plant #41: Fittonia
Recognized as nerve plants, Fittonia stands out with vibrant pink or white strains in contradiction of dark leaves. Outside their visual appeal, these lucky plants symbolise development and renewal, producing positive energy. Perfect for terrariums or bathrooms with indirect sunlight, Fittonia accompaniments as a low-light indoor plant, demanding regular watering to flourish.

Lucky Plant #42: Ivy
A superb air filter, Ivy graces coffee shops for its discharging qualities. Highlighted by Hyder for symbolising friendship and patience, Ivy firmly attaches itself to objects. This lucky plant not only passages happiness and positivity but also restores energy. Prosperous in low-light conditions, Ivy obviously revitalises spaces with limited energy flow, making it faultless for inspiring areas like cabinet tops and sheltered corners, enticing the positivity of your living space.

Lucky plants for home: Benefits as per Vastu
Rendering to vastu, some of the major benefits of keeping lucky plants at home include:
• Eliminate negative energies and attract positive energy.
• Preserve flow and balance of energy.
• Advance the health of family members.
• Impact the financial condition of the inhabitants.
• Lucky plants for home: Vastu tips to recollect
• Choice healthy good luck plants for home with vibrant foliage, to create beneficial energy.
• Trees like neem and mango, give good results in all directions.
• Champa, mogra and parijat should not be established in the south-west, north-west or east directions.
• Rendering to Vastu, trees in the garden should be planted in even numbers.
• For any house, it is favorable to have a Gooseberry tree in the north-east direction, pomegranate in the north-west, banyan in the east, gular (cluster fig) in the south, peepul in the west and pakad (ficus) in the north path.
Lucky plants for home: Feng Shui tips to remember

In Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of harmonising the energy in our environs, lucky plants are measured powerful tools to attract positive energy, wealth and good affluence into the home. Here are some Feng Shui tips to reminisce when incorporating lucky plants into your living space:

Placement of lucky plants
The placement of lucky plants plays a vital role in Feng Shui. Here are a few guidelines to follow:
Entrance area: Placing lucky plants near the arrival of your home is believed to invite positive energy and good luck into the house. Reflect placing plants with vibrant foliage or auspicious flowers near the main door or foyer.

Wealth corner: Rendering to Feng Shui principles, the southeast corner of your home is measured the wealth corner. Employing lucky plants related with wealth and abundance, such as the Money Plant (Pachira aquatica) or Jade Plant (Crassula ovata), in this area is supposed to enhance financial prosperity.
Balancing elements: Include a balance of the five Feng Shui elements—wood, fire, earth, metal and water—when spacing lucky plants. For example, placing a bamboo plant (representing a wood element) alongside a metal figure or decor item can create a harmonious energy exchange.

Consider the health and vibrancy of plants
Choose healthy and vibrant lucky plants for your home to confirm positive energy flow. Avoid wilted or dried plants, as they may entice stagnant or negative energy. Healthy plants with lush foliage and vibrant blooms symbolise vivacity and abundance.

Avoid clutter and overcrowding
Preserve a clutter-free and well-organised space around your lucky plants. Clutter can obstruct the flow of energy and hinder the positive belongings of the plants. Allow adequate space for each plant to cultivate and thrive, avoiding overcrowding that may inhibit their energy-enhancing properties.

Symbolic representation
Reflect the symbolic representation of lucky plants in Feng Shui. Some plants are whispered to resemble exact aspects of life or bring forth certain qualities. For example, the Bamboo plant symbolises suppleness and resilience, while the Orchid represents love and fertility. Choose plants whose figurative meanings align with your intentions or goals.

Intuition and personal connection
Trust your perception when selecting lucky plants for your home. Attach with the plants on a personal level and select ones that resonate with you and your energy. Consider your preferences, aesthetics and expressive connection to the plants to create a harmonious environment.

How to choose the right lucky plants for your home?
When it comes to choosing lucky plants for your home, it’s important to consider a few key factors to confirm the best results. By considering these factors, you can choose the right plants that align with your energy, space and exact intentions. 

Light requirements: Dissimilar plants have varying light requirements, ranging from low light to bright, indirect light. Assess the lighting circumstances in your home and choose plants that thrive in those precise conditions. This will confirm that your lucky plants receive the optimal amount of light to grow and flourish.
Space availability: Reflect the available space in your home when selecting lucky plants. Determine whether you have plenty floor space for larger plants or if you need to opt for smaller plants that can be located on shelves or countertops. Moreover, consider the height and spread of the plants to confirm they fit well in the designated area.

Maintenance and care: Assess your ability to care for plants and choose ones that align with your level of promise. Some plants need more attention and care, while others are more low-maintenance. Deliberate factors such as watering frequency, pruning needs, and humidity requirements to ensure you can give the necessary care for your chosen lucky plants.

Symbolic meaning: Different plants hold symbolic senses and are associated with specific intentions or energies. Research the symbolic implication of various lucky plants and choose ones that resonate with your goals and desires. For example, some plants are supposed to attract wealth and prosperity, while others promote love and harmony.

Compatibility with household members: Take into account any allergies or compassions that household members may have to convinced plants. Ensure that the chosen lucky plants do not pose any health risks or embarrassment to anyone living in the house. If allergies are a apprehension, opt for hypoallergenic plants or those with minimal pollen production.

Personal preference: Eventually, choose lucky plants that you personally connect with and enjoy having in your home. Reflect your aesthetic preferences, as well as any personal associations or memories related with specific plants. Having a positive emotional connection with your lucky plants can improve their energy and the overall ambience of your home.

Lucky plants for home: Care tips
Here are some plant maintenance tips you can follow:
• Often water your plants.
• Check soil wetness levels carefully.
• Use room temperature water for watering.
• Deliver plants with adequate artificial or natural light.
• Deliberate using a humidifier if necessary.
• Use fertilisers to deliver essential nutrients for plants.
• Continue regular pruning of plants.

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